You’re not behind – you’re ahead

overhead shot of a desk scattered with coloured paper, journals and a coffee

Think of January as a nice, wide, on-ramp.

You can take it easy. Lean into the turn. Accelerate gently and deliberately, giving yourself lots of room to arrive on that smooth highway of 2021.

You are not slow. You are not late.

If you aren’t already doing a 30-day challenge, or have your word of the year picked out, that’s fine. Don’t panic about not being “on it” yet.

You’re getting on it.

If you want to get there faster, slow down.

Take time to deliberately align with what you really want from the year ahead. I know it can be alluring to dash into action the moment the calendar page flips over.

Trust me. A slow start is much more effective.

You’ve probably read about how New Year Resolutions fail, and why they fail. You’ve seen for yourself what happens every January (with exception this year) in gyms. Maybe you’ve been one of those people, and now resolutions feel like a trap to make you feel bad.

It’s not your fault. You know this, right?

If a change is meaningful, it can be made.

The truth is, you CAN change. It is possible to change your habits, your beliefs, your whole life. You can be celebrating next year feeling proud and grateful for the ways you lovingly chose a new direction.

It will take action, yes.
Persistent, repeated action.
And, you have to want it.
And feel why it matters.

If you already know the January knee-jerk doesn’t work, you have nothing to lose. Let yourself take this month as a nice, wide turn. Give yourself a slow, deliberate arrival to 2021.

How do you want this year to feel?

Do you have a sense of who you are becoming?

I know you are capable of beautiful things. I know your heart has the answers that sometimes can only speak in a whisper. What if, this month, you allowed yourself to quiet down enough to hear them?

That alone could make a world of difference for your December 2021 – which puts you, and your slow wide turn into January, ahead of the game.